Falahe Aam Para Medical Institute
फलाहे आम पैरा मेडिकल इंस्टिट्यूट
A Unit of Medical and Health Training Institute, Reg.No. Avi-M71257.
Affiliated to :NIOS, MHRD(Govt. of India), BSS (Planning Comm. Govt. of India), IRMA (WHO Guidelines), Akhil Bhartiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad (NIOS - Part I Sec. of No. 42 of the Gazzate Notification of India on 20th Oct., 1990)
Faculty Of Homeopathy

Faculty Of Homeopathy

Dr Shakil (BHMS)
Faculty Unani Medicine

Faculty Unani Medicine

Dr. Ovais Khan (BUMS)
Faculty Ayurvedic Medicine

Faculty Ayurvedic Medicine

Dr. SKA Goliya (BAMS, MD)
Faculty Naturopathy

Faculty Naturopathy

Dr. Shailesh Rosa (MD Naturopathy)
Faculty Medical Laboratory

Faculty Medical Laboratory

Dr.Ayaz Ahmad (BMLT)